After our vacation to UT this summer I decided to get into better shape. I needed something to work towards. I am not in the mood to diet so that was so not on my list of goals, even if I could stand to lose a few. So I started to run. I got a treadmill earlier this year and wanted to put it to use. I needed a goal or two.
I set a few but am tiring of them! So below are my goals. I am here to recommit. You can all see and hold me to my goals now! If nothing else I can see them in print again, they are public.
GOAL #1. By the time school started (Aug 17th) I would be able to pass an AIR FORCE PT TEST. (why AF you ask? because it is easier than an Army PT test. Shorter and slower)
Progress made I don't want to run any more! That is all I lack, the run. I have run out of desire but I keep running. I have shaved off 5+min off my run but I still am shy of my goal with less than 2wks to accomplish it. I have hit a plateau. I was sahving off 0:40-1min off my run each week, now I am lucky to shave 5sec off each time I run. I still need to lose 1min 40sec off my run. I may have to extend this to when my Nieces start school at the end of August ;-)
GOAL #2. Qualify for the Army 2Mile run by Christmas. (I don't do pull ups! Sorry US Army) That means shaving off another another minute per mile and running another .5mile longer.
Progress made I have started slowly adding the distance at my current speed, have managed 1.65miles before I quit once a week.
GOAL #3 Complete at least 3goals with the youth by November! I am in need of a bit of a spiritual boost. I am involved with the young girls in our church youth group. They have a whole book of goals they are to accomplish during their 12-18th birthday. I decided I wanted to do this with them. They are to accomplish 6 goals in 8 different values that we want them to develop in their lives, and then they must do a 10hour project for each value.
Progress made I have one fully completed value and have started working on my second value.I want one of these necklace medallions for completing all my goals! My old one doesn't have a ruby on it!
Well there you have it! Got any running advice, any words of encouragement, any prodding you want to do? Do it now! I welcome all the advice I can get.
Well guess I better try to go back to bed...hopefully this time sleep will come.
Not sure if it is an option where you are, but here in Seattle there are a ton of 5k and 10k races each weekend. A bunch of gal pals and I sign up for the races and have a blast. It has definelty improved my running.
I want a medallion with a ruby!
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