Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Excited for the New Year

Man December flew by! I was working 20+hrs a week, tending other peoples children, playing mom, finishing Christmas gifts (which no one got on time, and some will be waiting a few days yet), trying to do Christmasy stuff with the kids, and trying to keep to house standing.

Jacob was the perfect husband during all of it. He helped with the laundry, the dishes, fixed a few gifts up himself, dealing with my melt downs, watching the kids so I could go to the gym to wear off extra holiday food and stress, he even watched 7kids at one time. Thanks My silly tomato!!

Things are almost back to normal. They hired more people at work and now I am back to 2 shifts a week. I can officially say we are moved in- we unpacked the last of the boxes in the extra room this weekend, and we got blinds for all the windows (Thank you GG R)! It feels more like a place we can stay for a while rather than a temporary lodging.

Things are slowly being cleaned, organized, moved around and simplified around here. Jake and I have set goals over the years and never stuck to it much. THis year we have decided to get out of debt. First eliminate credit card debt, then start paying off the van fast. We won't be able to pay the van completely off by next year but we would like to double our payments. It is kind of fun to find ways to save money. There are so many things in life we want but there is nothing like the feeling of financial freedom!

Happy New Year all!

1 comment:

B said...

Girl, you really are super woman, without the nasty suit.