Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Our 3d of July


So Logan did their fireworks on the 3d of July. So we (our family and our friend Carol and her two kids) packed up the kids after dinner and biked to the local grocery store which has a grassy area with a perfect view of the stadium. we laid out our blankets and kept the kids entertained for a few hours. It was a good night. We set off little fire crackers, sparklers, and little spinkler type fireworks. We ate ice cream, candies, apple shakers, and whatever else the kids could find in the trailors. It was a grand time.

The kids weren't aas awed as we had hoped by the fireworks. I remember loving the booms and oooowwwed and aaaawwweddd. Daniel was the only one interested. He parked himself down on his stomach and rested his head on his elbows and watched the 30min light show. the other kids played with the blankets. Their loss.

Hope you are all having a day of fun, friends and family. We are off to Jakes cousins in Pleasantview today for some fun. Love ya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you kids are cute, i love that grin on Daniel with the thing of ben and jerry's ice cream, he was the lucky one he has one to him self, and the other three kids have one to the three of them. no wonder daniel is grining I would be too. well i love you guys can't wait to see you in sept.