Friday, November 07, 2008

A day at the Spa

OK, not really, I still haven't even showered or brushed my teeth. But as promised I took the morning off - Ok so being a mom, I couldn't help but do a load of sheets since I was looking at them while I rolled around on the floor with the boys. We built things, read books, enjoyed just lying on the floor, jumped on the trampoline, watched TV, played tag, and used a lot of imagination. It's great to be a kid for a day!
I enjoyed watching them interact with each other and me, paid special attention to their different personalities, and was so refreshing
There is nothing more rejuvenating than avoiding responsibilities and chillin'
I wondered today how many moments I have missed as the boys have learned to master life skills because I was too busy doing mom type things
How they grow too fast!
Thank you boys for a perfect morning of trains, planes, and automobiles, legos, linking logs, chasing animals, ABC's and lots of lovin'!


B said...

Oh, what a great morning! It sounds wonderful. :)

The Samples Sampler said...

I love the picture of the feet! And I am glad that you took the morning off. I hope it rejuvenates you.

Krista said...

I take every morning off. I'm completely lazy, I admit it.
Then again, I don't have two little boys ... so maybe it's not THAT bad ...